Our Service includes:
Statistical consulting on study design
Determination of the sample size based on current guidelines or calculation
Development of the statistical analysis plan (SAP)
Statistical analysis of the study data
Creation of the statistical analysis report (SAR)
Statistical validation of questionnaires (e.g. Rasch model, factor analysis)
Data visualization, e.g. with interactive dashboards (Shiny App)
Biostatistics workshop

Analytical, Feasibility & Exploratory Studies
Statistical consultation is already valuable during the planning stage of a study. The involvement of biostatisticians in study and data analyses design strengthens the credibility of the study findings. We provide comprehensive and professional statistical consulting from study design and data analysis to publication of results and post-market surveillance. This includes e.g., sample size calculation, development of statistical analysis plans, validation of questionnaires, meta-analysis etc. Whether you work in a regulatory or a research environment, we make sense of your data. We also offer workshops on biostatistics to enlarge your knowledge and understanding of fundamental statistical topics.